Countless wine drinkers now have Chenin Blanc fresh on their minds, thanks to Lettie Teague's recent WSJ article. Like she says, Chenin Blanc is particularly well-suited to winter holidays. It can be fairly full-bodied--appealing to Chardonnay lovers, while also high in acidity, making an excellent pairing option with winter fare.

Perhaps most compelling of all, Teague goes on to praise Chenin Blanc for its high quality and value. Indeed you can still find a great Chenin Blanc that's less than $30. Here are three terrific options:

For Champagne fans, Chateau de Passavant's Cremant de Loire is an exceptional find. The winery is nestled in the Loire's Anjou region, where they have practiced biodynamic farming for decades. Passavant treats the Cremant with extra flourishes including aging 24 months sur lie—longer than required for Champagne. Long aging gives the wine a fine mousse and creamy texture that complements its chamomile and apple notes. With full dressage to match the elegant bead, it's a great stand in for Champagne at an affordable price point.

For people who love "acid and rocks", Mathieu Cosme Vouvray Les Promenards '21 knocks it out of the park. Mathieu Cosme is in the "avant garde" of terroir purists, channeling his winegrowing experience at Huet to making a pristine Vouvray from his family estate. And what a terroir he has: 60 year old vines grown in soils of silex and tuffeau, positioned on hillsides along the bank of the Loire. It's huge zing for the buck.

For California wine lovers, Kunin Wines Natural Chenin Blanc '21 is an incredible dicovery. This wine is completely naturally with nothing added—no sulfer, no yeasts, zip. The grapes are sourced from own-rooted Chenin vines planted in the 70s, in Jurassic Park Vineyard, named for its ancient soils. The extra skin contact plays more to the apple cider, ripe citrus and quince notes. It's a striking example of Chenin's versatility and character.


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